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Workbench overview

The Fused workbench is the browser-based IDE that takes you from code to map, instantly. Teams use its responsive visualizations to explore data and develop algorithms intuitively.


The Fused Workbench is styled like the familiar IDE format - so developers feel right at home. Just like an IDE, the main interface is the code editor. However, Workbench takes it to the next level by deeply integrating the code editor to the adjacent map and expanding their joint capabilities in significant ways.

On the Workbench, developers rapidly iterate on UDFs and instantly see the effect of their code on the map. The immediacy is a result of strategic data partitioning and caching, which enables Fused to interactively load, process, and view any size datasets.

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Join the waitlist

During the Private release - January through March 2024 - the Fused team will authorize registered accounts on a rolling basis.

Fill out this form to get on the waitlist. You'll receive an email when your account is ready to go.

Log in

Access Your Workspace. Once your account is ready, log in to unlock the full potential of Fused Workbench.

Get started

Once on the Workbench, click the “Add UDF” button to create a new UDF or dive into the extensive library by searching the UDF Explorer modal. You can search by tag, title, or dataset. Find the UDF that suits your needs and clone it to your workspace.

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Share your results

Once you create a UDF, you can share it with the community or publish it in your own data app via the Fused Hosted API. Use it to bring interoperable workflows, apps, and maps to your preferred tools in the stack.