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Retool is a low-code platform to build internal software. This guide shows how to create a vector map from a UDF on a Mapbox GL JS map with a custom Retool component. You'll first generate a signed UDF URL then introduce it into a custom map component that can input and output data across other Retool components.

1. Create an HTML map

Follow this guide to create a mapbox .html map that renders vector tiles from a UDF.

2. Create a custom Retool component

In a Retool app, create a custom Retool component. In the IFrame Code box, paste the code Mapbox HTML map created in the first step.

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3. Pass data from a UI component to the map

Create a component that accepts user input which will be passed as a query parameter to the Fused endpoint.

This example uses a select component. Add options to the component - in this case building, water, and place because in the sample UDF these are passed in the type parameter to select different "theme" layers of the Overture dataset.

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In Retool custom components, variables are passed through the Model. The IFrame code receives updates from Retool via a subcribe function.

In the custom component's Model box, paste a snippet like this one to pass data from the select component.

"theme": {{select1.value}}

Now subscribe the sections of code that will make use of the model values by wrapping all map components within a window.Retool.subscribe function. In this example, the value of model.theme is passed to a query parameter via string interpolation. When the value changes in the UI element, the value will update for the map.

window.Retool.subscribe(function (model) {

const map = new mapboxgl.Map({

map.on('load', () => {
map.addSource('fused-vector-source', {
'type': 'vector',
'tiles': [ // Vector Tile URL that returns mvt (
'minzoom': 6,
'maxzoom': 14


The result should look like this.

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4. Pass data from the map to a UI component

Passing data from the map component to another Retool component follows a similar process. This example introduces a drawing tool to draw custom polygons on the preceding map, then pass the polygons' geojson to a jsonExplorer Retool component.

First, update the custom component's model to include a data key with an empty dictionary as a value. This is where the map component will pass data.

"theme": {{select1.value}},
"data": {}

Then, introduce these headers and snippet to the map IFrame.

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">

This is a MapboxDraw component. Ensure it's wrapped within the same window.Retool.subscribe function introduced in step 3 so Retool updates the data field when a change in the draw component triggers the updateData function.

var draw = new MapboxDraw({
displayControlsDefault: false,
controls: {
polygon: true,
trash: true

map.on('draw.create', updateData);
map.on('draw.delete', updateData);
map.on('draw.update', updateData);

function updateData(e) {
var data = draw.getAll();
window.Retool.modelUpdate({ data })

Finally, create a jsonExplorer component with the following value {{}} which will receive the GeoJSON when a polygon is drawn on the map.

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This GeoJSON can be used in subsequent operations. For example, it could be passed as a parameter to downstream UDF calls as explained here.