Microsoft Excel can load data from a UDF's HTTP Endpoint that returns a .csv
1. Create a UDF
This example retrieves Caltrain live location data from GTFS real-time feed and returns it as a DataFrame
def udf(bounds: fused.types.TileGDF=None):
import requests
import pandas as pd
r = requests.get(f'https://www.caltrain.com/files/rt/vehiclepositions/CT.json')
j = r.json()
df = pd.json_normalize(j['Entities'])
return df
2. Create a URL for the UDF
Now, create an HTTP endpoint for the UDF.
Append this query parameter to the end of the URL to structure the response as a CSV type: ?dtype_out_vector=csv
The generated URL should look like this:
3. Import Data to Excel
Open Excel, then click the Data
tab in the top ribbon. Click From Web
In the From Web dialog box, paste in the URL from your UDF, and click OK
A preview of the data will be shown. Click Load
to import the data to your Excel sheet. Optionally, you can click Transform
to transform the data if needed.
The UDF will run and load its output data in a new Excel sheet.
Note: The desktop version of Microsoft Excel is required. Microsoft Excel Online does not support loading data from web sources.