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Google Sheets

The Google Sheets importData command imports data at from a given url in .csv format. You can use it to load data from a UDF into a Google Sheets cell.

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1. Create a UDF in Fused Hosted API

Create a UDF that returns a table then save it on Workbench to automatically create an endpoint.

This example retrieves Caltrain live location data from GTFS realtime feed, and returns it as a dataframe.

def udf():
import pandas as pd
import requests

r = requests.get(f"")
j = r.json()
df = pd.json_normalize(j["Entities"])
return df

2. Create a URL for the UDF

Now, shareable Tile HTTP endpoint for the UDF.

Append this query parameter to the end of the URL to structure the response as a CSV type: ?dtype_out_vector=csv.

The generated URL should look like this:

3. Call the UDF in a cell

Paste the importData function with the UDF endpoint in a cell.


When you enter this formula into a cell, Google Sheets will call the UDF, and the returned dataframe will be loaded into the spreadsheet.


Google Sheets' importData imposes data size constraints that will require the UDF to return a conservative number of rows. Otherwise it may show the following error message.
