Google Earth Engine
Fused interfaces Google Earth Engine with the Python earthengine-api
library. This example shows how to load data from GEE datasets into Fused UDFs and read it with xarray.
1. Authenticate with a Google Service Account
Create a UDF to set your Google Service Account credentials in your Fused runtime disk in a file in the /mnt/cache
def udf():
import os, json
# Google Key as JSON
data = {
'type': 'service_account',
'project_id': 'MYPROJECT',
'private_key_id': '1234',
'private_key': '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----...\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n',
'client_email': '',
'client_id': '1234567',
'auth_uri': '',
'token_uri': '',
'auth_provider_x509_cert_url': '',
'client_x509_cert_url': '',
'universe_domain': ''
# Define the target path for the new GEE credentials file
key_path = '/mnt/cache/gee_creds.json'
# Write the loaded JSON data to the new file
with open(key_path, 'w') as file:
json.dump(data, file)
2. Load data from Google Earth Engine
Create a UDF to load data from a GEE ImageCollection and open it with xarray. Authenticate by passing the key file path to ee.ServiceAccountCredentials
def udf(bounds: fused.types.TileGDF=None, n=10):
import ee
import xarray
utils = fused.load("").utils
# Authenticate GEE
key_path = '/mnt/cache/gee_creds.json'
credentials = ee.ServiceAccountCredentials("", key_path)
ee.Initialize(opt_url="", credentials=credentials)
# Generate GEE bounding box for spatial filter
geom = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(*bounds.total_bounds)
scale = 1 / 2 ** max(0, bounds.z[0]) # A larger scale will increase your resolution per z but slow down the loading
# Load data from a GEE ImageCollection
ic = ee.ImageCollection("MODIS/061/MOD13A2").filter("2023-01-01", "2023-06-01")
# Open with xarray (the `xee` package must be present for engine="ee" to work)
ds = xarray.open_dataset(ic, engine="ee", geometry=geom, scale=scale).isel(time=0)
# Transform image color with a utility function
arr = utils.arr_to_plasma(ds["NDVI"].values.squeeze().T, min_max=(0, 8000))
return arr