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def run_tile(email: str,
id: Optional[str] = None,
x: int,
y: int,
z: int,
_dtype_out_vector: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_VECTOR,
_dtype_out_raster: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_RASTER,
_client_id: Optional[str] = None,
**params) -> Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.Dataset]]

Executes a private tile-based UDF indexed under the specified email and ID. The calling user must have the necessary permissions to execute the UDF.

This function constructs a URL to run a UDF on a specific tile defined by its x, y, and z coordinates, and sends a request to the server. It supports customization of the output data types for vector and raster data, as well as additional parameters for the UDF execution.


  • email str - Email address of user account associated with the UDF.
  • id Optional[str] - Unique identifier for the UDF. If None, the user's email is used as the ID.
  • x int - The x coordinate of the tile.
  • y int - The y coordinate of the tile.
  • z int - The zoom level of the tile.
  • _dtype_out_vector str - Desired data type for vector output. Defaults to a pre-defined type.
  • _dtype_out_raster str - Desired data type for raster output. Defaults to a pre-defined type.
  • _client_id Optional[str] - Client identifier for API usage. If None, a default or global client ID may be used.
  • **params - Additional keyword arguments for the UDF execution.


The response from the server after executing the UDF on the specified tile.


def run_shared_tile(token: str,
x: int,
y: int,
z: int,
_dtype_out_vector: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_VECTOR,
_dtype_out_raster: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_RASTER,
_client_id: Optional[str] = None,
**params) -> Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.Dataset]]

Executes a shared tile-based UDF.

This function constructs a URL to run a UDF on a specific tile defined by its x, y, and z coordinates, and sends a request to the server. It supports customization of the output data types for vector and raster data, as well as additional parameters for the UDF execution.


  • token str - A shared access token that authorizes the operation.
  • id Optional[str] - Unique identifier for the UDF. If None, the user's email is used as the ID.
  • x int - The x coordinate of the tile.
  • y int - The y coordinate of the tile.
  • z int - The zoom level of the tile.
  • _dtype_out_vector str - Desired data type for vector output. Defaults to a pre-defined type.
  • _dtype_out_raster str - Desired data type for raster output. Defaults to a pre-defined type.
  • _client_id Optional[str] - Client identifier for API usage. If None, a default or global client ID may be used.
  • **params - Additional keyword arguments for the UDF execution.


The response from the server after executing the UDF on the specified tile.


def run_file(email: str,
id: Optional[str] = None,
_dtype_out_vector: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_VECTOR,
_dtype_out_raster: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_RASTER,
_client_id: Optional[str] = None,
**params) -> Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.Dataset]]

Executes a private file-based UDF indexed under the specified email and ID. The calling user must have the necessary permissions to execute the UDF.

This function constructs a URL to run a UDF associated with the given email and ID, allowing for output data type customization for both vector and raster outputs. It also supports additional parameters for the UDF execution.


  • email str - Email address of user account associated with the UDF.
  • id Optional[str] - Unique identifier for the UDF. If None, the user's email is used as the ID.
  • _dtype_out_vector str - Desired data type for vector output, defaults to a predefined type.
  • _dtype_out_raster str - Desired data type for raster output, defaults to a predefined type.
  • _client_id Optional[str] - Client identifier for API usage. If None, a default or global client ID may be used.
  • **params - Additional keyword arguments for the UDF execution.


The response from the server after executing the UDF.


def run_shared_file(token: str,
_dtype_out_vector: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_VECTOR,
_dtype_out_raster: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_RASTER,
**params) -> Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.Dataset]]

Executes a shared file-based UDF.

This function constructs a URL for running an operation on a file accessible via a shared token. It allows for customization of the output data types for vector and raster data and supports additional parameters for the operation's execution.


  • token str - A shared access token that authorizes the operation.
  • _dtype_out_vector str - Desired data type for vector output, defaults to a predefined type.
  • _dtype_out_raster str - Desired data type for raster output, defaults to a predefined type.
  • **params - Additional keyword arguments for the operation execution.


The response from the server after executing the operation on the file.


  • Exception - Describes various exceptions that could occur during the function execution, including but not limited to invalid parameters, network errors, unauthorized access errors, or server-side errors.


This function is designed to access shared operations that require a token for authorization. It requires network access to communicate with the server hosting these operations and may incur data transmission costs or delays depending on the network's performance.


async def run_tile_async(
email: str,
id: Optional[str] = None,
x: int,
y: int,
z: int,
_dtype_out_vector: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_VECTOR,
_dtype_out_raster: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_RASTER,
_client_id: Optional[str] = None,
**params) -> Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.Dataset]]

Asynchronously executes a private tile-based UDF indexed under the specified email and ID. The calling user must have the necessary permissions to execute the UDF.

This function constructs a URL to asynchronously run a UDF on a specific tile defined by its x, y, and z coordinates. It supports customization of the output data types for vector and raster data, and accommodates additional parameters for the UDF execution.


  • email str - User's email address. Used to identify the user's saved UDFs. If the ID is not provided, the email is also used as the ID.
  • id Optional[str] - Unique identifier for the UDF. If None, the user's email is used as the ID.
  • x int - The x coordinate of the tile.
  • y int - The y coordinate of the tile.
  • z int - The zoom level of the tile.
  • _dtype_out_vector str - Desired data type for vector output. Defaults to a predefined type.
  • _dtype_out_raster str - Desired data type for raster output. Defaults to a predefined type.
  • _client_id Optional[str] - Client identifier for API usage. If None, a default or global client ID may be used.
  • **params - Additional keyword arguments for the UDF execution.


A coroutine that, when awaited, sends a request to the server to execute the UDF on the specified tile and returns the server's response. The format and content of the response depend on the UDF's implementation and the server's response format.


async def run_shared_tile_async(
token: str,
x: int,
y: int,
z: int,
_dtype_out_vector: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_VECTOR,
_dtype_out_raster: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_RASTER,
**params) -> Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.Dataset]]

Asynchronously executes a shared tile-based UDF using a specific access token.

This function constructs a URL for running an operation on a tile, defined by its x, y, and z coordinates, accessible via a shared token. It allows for customization of the output data types for vector and raster data and supports additional parameters for the operation's execution.


  • token str - A shared access token that authorizes the operation on the specified tile.
  • x int - The x coordinate of the tile.
  • y int - The y coordinate of the tile.
  • z int - The zoom level of the tile.
  • _dtype_out_vector str - Desired data type for vector output, defaults to a predefined type.
  • _dtype_out_raster str - Desired data type for raster output, defaults to a predefined type.
  • **params - Additional keyword arguments for the operation execution.


A coroutine that, when awaited, sends a request to the server to execute the operation on the specified tile and returns the server's response. The format and content of the response depend on the operation's implementation and the server's response format.


async def run_file_async(
email: str,
id: Optional[str] = None,
_dtype_out_vector: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_VECTOR,
_dtype_out_raster: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_RASTER,
_client_id: Optional[str] = None,
**params) -> Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.Dataset]]

Asynchronously executes a file-based UDF associated with the specific email and ID.

This function constructs a URL to run a UDF on a server, allowing for output data type customization for vector and raster outputs and supporting additional parameters for the UDF execution. If no ID is provided, the user's email is used as the identifier.


  • email str - The user's email address, used to identify the user's saved UDFs. If the ID is not provided, this email will also be used as the ID.
  • id Optional[str] - Unique identifier for the UDF. If None, the function fetches the user's email as the ID.
  • _dtype_out_vector str - Desired data type for vector output, defaults to a predefined type.
  • _dtype_out_raster str - Desired data type for raster output, defaults to a predefined type.
  • _client_id Optional[str] - Client identifier for API usage. If None, a default or global client ID may be used.
  • **params - Additional keyword arguments for the UDF execution.


A coroutine that, when awaited, sends a request to the server to execute the UDF and returns the server's response. The format and content of the response depend on the UDF's implementation and the server's response format.


async def run_shared_file_async(
token: str,
_dtype_out_vector: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_VECTOR,
_dtype_out_raster: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE_RASTER,
**params) -> Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.Dataset]]

Asynchronously executes a shared file-based UDF using the specific access token.

Constructs a URL to run an operation on a file accessible via a shared token, enabling customization of the output data types for vector and raster data. It accommodates additional parameters for the operation's execution.


  • token str - A shared access token that authorizes the operation.
  • _dtype_out_vector str - Desired data type for vector output, defaults to a predefined type.
  • _dtype_out_raster str - Desired data type for raster output, defaults to a predefined type.
  • **params - Additional keyword arguments for the operation execution.


A coroutine that, when awaited, sends a request to the server to execute the operation on the file and returns the server's response. The format and content of the response depend on the operation's implementation and the server's response format.