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v1.11.9 (2024-12-19)

  • Accounts now have a handle assigned to them, which can be used when loading UDFs and pushing to community UDFs
  • Account handle can be changed once by the user (for more changes please contact the Fused team.)
  • Added a command palette to the Workbench, which can be opened with Cmd-k or Ctrl-k.
  • When creating a PR for a community UDF or to update a public UDF, it will be under your account if you log in to Fused with Github.
  • Bug fixes for pushing to Github, e.g. when pushing a saved UDF, and for listing the Fused bot account as an author.
  • Batch (run_remote) jobs can call back to the Fused API.
  • Team UDFs can be pinned to the end of the featured list.
  • Speed improvements in ingestion.
  • Ingestion will detect .pq files as Parquet.
  • Format code shortcut in Workbench is shown in the keyboard shortcut list and command palette.
  • Workbench will hide the map tooltip when dragging the map by default.
  • Workbench will now look for a hexLayer visualization preset for tabular results that do not contain geometry.
  • Workbench file explorer can now handle larger lists of files.
  • Fix for browsing disk cache (/mnt/cache) in Workbench file explorer.
  • Teams with multiple realtime instances can now set one as their default.
  • Fix for saving UDFs with certain names. Workbench will show more descriptive error messages in more cases for issues saving UDFs.

v1.11.8 (2024-12-04)

  • New File Explorer interface, with support for managing Google Cloud Storage (GCS) and /mnt/cache files.
  • Workbench will show an error when trying to save a UDF with a duplicate name.
  • Fixed a few bugs with Github integration, including the wrong repository being selected by default when creating a PR.
  • Updated fsspec and pyogrio packages.

v1.11.7 (2024-11-27)

  • Decluttered the interface on mobile browsers by default.
  • Fixed redo (Cmd-Shift-z or Ctrl-Shift-z) sometimes being bound to the wrong key.
  • Tweaked the logic for showing the selected object in Workbench.

v1.11.6 (2024-11-26)

  • Added Format with Black (Alt+Shift+f) to Workbench.
  • Fix the CRS of DataFrame's returned by get_chunk_from_table.
  • Added a human readable ID to batch jobs.
  • Fused will send an email when a batch job finishes.
  • Fix for opening larger files in
  • Fix for accessing UDFs in a team.
  • Improved messages for UDF recursion, UDF geometry arguments, and returning geometry columns.
  • Adjusted the UDF list styling and behavior in Workbench.
  • Fix for secrets in shared tokens.

v1.11.5 (2024-11-20)

  • Show message for keyword arguments in UDFs that are reserved.
  • Added reset kernel button.
  • Workbench layers apply visualization changes immediately when the map is paused.
  • Show the user that started a job for the team jobs list.
  • Fix for running nested UDFs with utils modules.
  • Fix for returning xarray results from UDFs.
  • Fix for listing files from within UDFs.
  • Upgraded to GeoPandas v1.

v1.8.0 (2024-06-25) 📦

  • Added Workbench tour for first-time users.
  • Undo history is now saved across UDFs and persists through reloads.
  • Added autocomplete when writing UDFs in Workbench.
  • Added colorBins, colorCategories, and colorContinuous functions to Workbench's Visualize tab.
  • Migrated SDK to Pydantic v2 for improved data validation and serialization.
  • Fixed a bug causing NumPy dependency conflicts.

v1.7.0 (2024-06-04) 🐦

  • Execution infrastructure updates.
  • Update DuckDB package to v1.0.0.
  • Improve responsivity of Workbench allotments.
  • Crispen Workbench UI.

v1.6.1 (2024-05-06) 💂

GitHub integration

  • Updates to team GitHub integration.
  • Users are now able to create shared UDF token from a team UDF both in Workbench and Python SDK.

v1.6.0 (2024-04-30) 🏁

  • The Workbench file explorer now shows UDFs contributed by community members.
  • Team admins can now set up a GitHub repository with UDFs that their team members can access from Workbench.

v1.5.4 (2024-04-15) 🔭

  • Button to open slice of data in
  • Minor UI design and button placement updates.

v1.5.3 (2024-04-08) 🦆

  • Improved compatibility with DuckDB requesting data from shared UDFs.
  • Geocoder in Workbench now supports coordinates and H3 cell IDs.
  • GeoDataFrame arguments to UDFs can be passed as bounding boxes.
  • The package ibis was upgraded to 8.0.0.
  • Utils modules no longer need to import fused.

v1.5.2 (2024-04-01) 🎋

  • File browser can now preview images like TIFFs, JPEGs, PNGs, and more.
  • Users can now open Parquet files with DuckDB directly from the file browser.

v1.5.0 (2024-03-25) 📂

  • The upload view in Workbench now shows a file browser.
  • Users can now preview files in the file browser using a default UDF.

v1.4.1 (2024-03-19) 💬

  • UDFs now support typed function annotations.
  • Introduced special types fused.types.TileXYZ, fused.types.TileGDF, fused.types.Bbox.
  • Workbench now autodetects Tile or File outputs based on typing.
  • Added button to Workbench to autodetect UDF parameters based on typing.

v1.1.1 (2024-01-17) 💫

  • Renamed fused.utils.run_realtime and fused.utils.run_realtime_xyz to fused.utils.run_file amd fused.utils.run_tile.
  • Removed fused.utils.run_once.

v1.1.0 (2024-01-08) 🚀

  • Added functions to run the UDFs realtime.

v1.1.0-rc2 (2023-12-11) 🐛

  • Added fused.utils.get_chunk_from_table.
  • Fixed bugs in loading and saving UDFs with custom metadata and headers.

v1.1.0-rc0 (2023-11-29) ☁️

  • Added cloud load and save UDFs.
  • target_num_files is replaced by target_num_chunks in the ingest API.
  • Standardize how a decorator's headers are preprocesses to set source_code key.
  • Fixed a bug loading UDFs from a job.

v1.0.3 (2023-11-7) 💦

Getting chunks

  • Added fused.utils.get_chunks_metadata to get the metadata GeoDataFrame for a table.
  • run_local now passes a copy of the input data into the UDF, to avoid accidentally persisting state between runs.
  • instance_type is now shown in more places for running jobs.
  • Fixed a bug where render()ing UDFs could get cut off.
  • Fixed a bug with defining a UDF that contained an internal @contextmanager.

v1.0.2 (2023-10-26) 🆙

Uploading files

  • Added fused.upload for uploading files to Fused storage.
  • Added a warning for UDF parameter names that can cause issues.
  • Fixed some dependency validation checks incorrectly failing on built-in modules.

v1.0.1 (2023-10-19) 🐜

  • Added ignore_chunk_error flag to jobs.
  • Added warning when sidecar table names are specified but no matching table URL is provided.
  • Fixed reading chunks when sidecars are requested but no sidecar file is present.
  • Upgraded a dependency that was blocking installation on Colab.

v1.0.0 (2023-10-13) 🚢

Shipping dependencies

  • Added image_name to run_remote for customizing the set of dependencies used.
  • Added fused.delete for deleting files or tables.
  • Renamed output_main and output_fused to output and output_metadata respectively in ingestion jobs.
  • Adjusted the default instance type for run_remote.
  • Fixed get_dataframe sometimes failing.
  • Improved tab completion for fused.options and added a repr.
  • Fixed a bug where more version migration messages were printed.
  • Fixed a bug when saving fused.options.