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Multiple UDFs

UDF work best when handling small amounts of data at time, but often datasets are large. This is where running UDFs in bulk becomes needed

There are 2 main approaches to running multiple UDFs:

  • Using "offline" instances
    • For high latency, large volumes of data
  • Using "real-time" instances
    • For small requests to finish quick

A Simple UDF

Here's a simple UDF:

def udf(val):
import pandas as pd
return pd.DataFrame({'val':[val]})

As mentioned in the Single UDF section, to call it 1 time we can do:, val=1)

Which returns:

  | val
0 | 1

We then have 2 options to run this multiple times:

Using "offline" instances (run_remote())

When to use: This is for high-latency (anything more than a few seconds) parallel processing of longer or more complex jobs

Running "offline" job

Using the same UDF as above we can run this UDF 10 times on an "offline" instance:

# We'll run this UDF 10 times
job = udf(arg_list=range(10))

This pushes a job onto a persistent machine on Fused server.

run_remote additional arguments

With job.run_remote() you also have access to a few other arguments to make your remote job fit your need:

  • instance_type: Decide which type of machine to run your job on (based on the AWS General Purpose instance types)
  • disk_size_gb: The amount of disk space in Gb your instance requires

For example if you want a job with 16 vCPUs, 64Gb of RAM and 100Gb of storage you can call:

job.run_remote(instance_type="m5.4xlarge", disk_size_gb=100)

Accessing "offline" job logs

You can view the logs of all your on-going and past run_remote() jobs either:

In a notebook

Running job.run_remote() in a notebook gives you a clickable link:

Dark Vessel Detection workflow
In Fused Workbench

Under the "Jobs" tab, on the bottom left of Workbench:

By email (you'll receive 1 email for each job)

Each job leads to an email summary with logs upon completion:

Dark Vessel Detection workflow

Getting "offline" results

To get data back from your "offline" run is a bit more complicated than for "real-time". Our recommendation is to have your UDF write data directly to disk or cloud storage and access it after

Example job: saving to disk

A common use case for offline jobs is as a "pre-ingestion" process. You can find a real-life example of this in our dark vessel detection example

Here all we're returning is a status information in a pandas dataframe, but the our data in unzipped, read and saved to S3:

import fused

def read_ais_from_noaa_udf(datestr='2023_03_29'):
import os
import requests
import io
import zipfile
import pandas as pd

# This is our local mount file path,
daily_ais_parquet = f'{path}/{datestr[-2:]}.parquet'

# Download ZIP file to mounted disk
if r.status_code == 200:
with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content), 'r') as z:
with'AIS_{datestr}.csv') as f:
df = pd.read_csv(f)

return pd.DataFrame({'status':['Done']})
return pd.DataFrame({'status':[f'read_error_{r.status_code}']})

Since our data is written to cloud storage, it can now be accessed anywhere else, through another UDF or any other application with access to cloud storage.


  • Takes a few seconds to startup machine
  • Can run as long as needed

[Experimental] Using "real-time" instances (run_pool & PoolRunner)

When to use: This is for quick jobs that can finish in less than 120s


This is not a feature directly implemented in fused. Instead we're going to use a code from the fused.public.common utils module, that might change over time

You can learn more about import utils from UDFs here

If you want to quickly run a UDF a few times over a dataset, you can use PoolRunner. Using a lambda function you can map the function to pass to PoolRunner:

runner = fused.utils.common.PoolRunner(lambda val:, val=val), range(10))

In a notebook runner.get_result_all() prints the progress status over time until the job is done:

Pool Runner

Getting "real-time" results

You can then get all your results by concatinating them:

# In this example udf() returns a Pandas DataFrame so `.get_concat()` 
result = runner.get_concat()

with type(output) being a pandas.core.frame.DataFrame


  • No startup time
  • Will timeout after 120s