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Small UDF run

Fused UDF functions really shine once you start calling them from anywhere. You can call small jobs in 2 main ways:

  1. in Python. All you need is the fused Python package installed
    • Useful when wanting to run UDF as part of another pipeline, inside another UDF or anywhere in Python / code.
  2. HTTP call from anywhere

Defining "Small" job

"Small" jobs are defined as any job being:

  • Less than 120s to execute
  • Using less than a few Gb of RAM to run

These jobs run in "real-time" with no start-up time so are quick to run, but with limited resources and time-out if taking too long. is the simplest & most common way to execute a UDF from any Python script or notebook.

The simplest way to call a public UDF is using a public UDF name and calling it as: UDF_ + name. Let's take this UDF that returns the location of the Eiffel Tower in a GeoDataFrame as an example:

import fused"UDF_Single_point_Eiffel_Tower")

Simple UDF returning a geodataframe

There are a few other ways to run a UDF:

Name (from your account)

When to use: When calling a UDF you made, from your own account.

You can call any UDFs you have made simply by calling it by name (given when you save a UDF).

(Note: This requires authentication)

Hello World UDF

This UDF can then be run in a notebook locally (granted that you have authenticated):"Hello_World_bbox")

Running Hello World UDF

Public UDF Name

When to run: Whenever you want to run a public UDF for free from anywhere

Any UDF saved in the public UDF repo can be run for free.

Reference them by prefixing their name with UDF_. For example, the public UDF Get_Isochrone is run with UDF_Get_Isochrone:'UDF_Get_Isochrone')


When to use: Whenever you want someone to be able to execute a UDF but might not want to share the code with them.

You can get the token from a UDF either in Workbench (Save your UDF then go to "Settings" -> "Share" -> "Fused App") or returning the token in Python.

Here's a toy UDF that we want others to be able to run, but we don't want them to see the code:

import fused

def my_super_duper_private_udf(my_udf_input):
import pandas as pd
# This code is so private I don't want anyone to be able to read it
return pd.DataFrame({"input": [my_udf_input]})

We then need to save this UDF to Fused server to make it accessible from anywhere.


my_udf.to_fused() saves your UDF to your personal user UDFs. These are private to you and your team. You can create a token than anyone (even outside your team) can use to run your UDF but by default these UDFs are private.

We can create a token for this my_super_duper_private_udf and share it:

from fused.api import FusedAPI
api = FusedAPI()
token = api.create_udf_access_token("my_super_duper_private_udf").token

This would return something like: 'fsh_**********q6X' (You can recognise this to be a shared token because it starts with fsh_), my_udf_input="I'm directly using the token object")

or directly:'fsh_**********q6X', my_udf_input="I can't see you're private UDF but can still run it")

UDF object

When to run: When you're writing your UDF in the same Python file / jupyter notebook and want to refer to the Python object directly. You might want to do this to test your UDF works locally for example

You may also pass a UDF Python object to

# Running a local UDF
def local_udf():
import pandas as pd
return pd.DataFrame({})

# Note that by default will run your UDF on the Fused serverless server so we pass engine='local' to run this as a normal Python function, engine='local')

Github URL

When to use: [Not recommended] This is useful if you're working on a branch that you control over. This method always points to the last commit on a branch so your UDF can break without you knowing if someone else pushes a new commit or merges & deletes your branch

gh_udf = fused.load("")

We do NOT recommend you use this approach as your UDF might break if changes are done to it

Especially using a URL pointing to a main branch means that your UDF will change if someone else pushes towards it, in a way that isn't visible to you.

For that reason we recommend using git commit hash instead

When to use: Whenever you want to rely on a UDF such as in production or when using a UDF as a building block for another UDF.

This is the safest way to use a UDF. Since you're pointing to a specific git commit hash you won't end up with changes breaking your UDF.

Using a git commit hash is the safest, and thus recommended way to call UDFs from Github.

This does mean you need to update the commit where your UDFs are being called if you want to propagate updates. But this gives you the most amount of control.

Let's again take the example of the Simple Eiffel Tower UDF:

Running Hello World UDF

commit_hash = "bdfb4d0"
commit_udf = fused.load(f"{commit_hash}/public/Single_point_Eiffel_Tower/")

Execution engines can run the UDF in various execution modes, as specified by the engine parameter either local, realtime, or batch mode.

  • local: Run in the current process.
  • realtime: Run in the serverless Fused cloud engine.
  • batch: Run a long-running job in a Fused server. This must first be enabled for the account., engine="remote")

Set sync=False to run a UDF asynchronously.

Passing arguments in

A typical call of a UDF looks like this:

def my_udf(inputs: str):
import pandas as pd
return pd.DataFrame({"output": [inputs]}), inputs="hello world")

A call will require the following arguments:

  1. [Mandatory] The first argument needs to be the UDF to run (name, object, token, etc as seen above)
  2. [Optional] Any arguments of the UDF itself (if it has any). In the example above that's inputs because my_udf takes inputs as argument.
  3. [Optional] Any protected arguments as seen in the dedicated API docs page (if applicable). These include for example:
    • bounds -> A geographical bounding box (as a list of 4 point: [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y]) defining the area of interest.
    • x, y, z -> Tile coordinates for tile-based UDF execution.

Running multiple jobs in parallel

Sometimes you want to run a UDF over a list of inputs (for example running a UDF that unzips a file over a list of files). If each run itself is quite small, than you can run all a batch of UDFs over a list of inputs.

Let's use a simple UDF to demonstrate:

def udf(val):
import pandas as pd
return pd.DataFrame({'val':[val]})

Say we wanted to run this udf 10 times over inputs = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]:


Fused is built to help you scale your processing to huge datasets and the core of this ability is fused.submit(). You can run 1 UDF over a large amount of arguments:

job_pool = fused.submit(udf, inputs)

This example will quick-off 10 UDF runs in parallel:


>>> <JobPool with 10 jobs [status: 0/10 done]>

Getting fused.submit() results

A few seconds after, once all our jobs are run we can get our results as a pd.DataFrame, using the same example as above:

results = job_pool.collect_df()

job pool results


Have a look at the dedicated fused.submit() Python SDK page to read more about all the available methods to access your multi-runs

Simple fused.submit() Benchmark

fused.submit(udf) runs all the UDF calls in parallel, making it a helpful tool to run multiple UDFs all at once.

We can demonstrate this by adding a simple time.sleep(1) in our original UDF:

def udf(val):
import pandas as pd
import time
return pd.DataFrame({'val':[val]})

In a notebook, we can time how long each cell takes to execute with the %%time magic command

# In a jupyter notebook
%%time, val=1)

Singe run

This takes 1.7s: A few ms of overhead to send the UDF to Fused server & run + 1s of time.sleep(1)

Now using fused.submit() to run this over 30 UDFs:

30 runs

This takes a few more seconds, but not 30s. fused.submit() is a helpful way to scale a single UDF to many inputs in a timely manner.

HTTP requests

In the UDF Builder, you can create an HTTP endpoint for a UDF in the "Snippets" section. This generates a unique URL to call the UDF via HTTP requests. The URL is scoped to that UDF only and it can be revoked to disable access. The same can be done with the Fused Python SDK.

Shared token

To run a UDF via HTTP request, create a shared token then modify the provided URL. Manage your account's shared tokens in

Structure the URL with the file path parameter to run as a single batch operation.******/run/file?dtype_out_raster=png

To integrate with a tiling service, structure the URL with the tiles path parameter, followed by templated /{z}/{x}/{y} path parameters. See Lonboard for an example.******/run/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?dtype_out_raster=png

Private token

Calling UDFs with Bearer authentication requires an account's private token. The URL structure to run UDFs with the private token varies slightly, as the URL specifies the UDF's name and the owner's user account.

curl -XGET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

Specify parameters

When UDF endpoints are called via HTTP requests argument values are specified with query parameters, which require input parameters to be serializable. As such, the UDF should specify the types to cast them to. Read more about supported types for UDF parameters.

Response data types

The dtype_out_vector and dtype_out_raster parameters define the output data type for vector tables and raster arrays, respectively.

  • The supported types for vector tables are parquet, geojson, json, feather, csv, mvt, html, excel, and xml.
  • For raster array: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, webp, tif, and tiff.****/run/file?dtype_out_raster=png

Read how to structure HTTP endpoints to call the UDF as a Map Tile & File.

Caching responses

If a UDF's cache is enabled, its endpoints cache outputs for each combination of code and parameters. The first call runs and caches the UDF, and subsequent calls return cached data.