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Map Tile/File

When UDFs are called, they run and return the output of the execution. They can be called in two ways that influence how Fused handles them: File and Tile.

Single File

In File mode, the UDF runs within a single HTTP response. This is suitable for tasks that can be completed in a single request, such as processing data that fits in memory.


Map Tiles

Tile mode is designed to process geospatial datasets in grid-based tiles that align with web map tiling schemas. Each Tile request may correspond to a spatial slice of a larger dataset, making it ideal to work with large datasets that can be spatially filtered.

When a UDF endpoint is called as Tile, Fused passes bbox as the first argument, which the UDF can use to spatially filter the dataset. The bbox object specifies a tile by its bounds or XYZ index.


This is in contrast with a File call, where the UDF runs within a single HTTP response. In File mode, the UDF doesn't receive a bbox object to spatially filter data into tiles.

Responses with spatial data can render on a map. GeoDataFrames already contain spatial geometry information. If a raster does not contain spatial information, the bounds must be specified alongside the output object, separated by a comma, to determine its location on a map.

return arr, [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]

The bbox object

A UDF may use the bbox parameter to spatially filter datasets and load into memory only the data that corresponds to the bbox spatial bounds. This reduces latency and data transfer costs. Cloud-optimized formats are particularly suited for these operations - they include Cloud Optimized GeoTiff, Geoparquet, and GeoArrow.

bbox object types

The bbox object defines the spatial bounds of the Tile, which can be represented as a geometry object or XYZ index. For convenience, a user writing a UDF can select from 3 bbox object structures using a parameter type.


This is a geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame with x, y, z, and geometry columns. UDFs use this as default if no type is specified.

def udf(bbox: fused.types.TileGDF=None):
return bbox

>>> x y z geometry
>>> 0 327 790 11 POLYGON ((-122.0 37.0, -122.0 37.1, -122.1 37.1, -122.1 37.0, -122.0 37.0))


This is a shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon corresponding to the Tile's bounds.

def udf(bbox: fused.types.Bbox=None):
return bbox

>>> POLYGON ((-122.0 37.0, -122.0 37.1, -122.1 37.1, -122.1 37.0, -122.0 37.0))


This is a mercantile.Tile object with values for the x, y, and z Tile indices.

def udf(bbox: fused.types.TileXYZ=None):
return bbox

>>> Tile(x=328, y=790, z=11)

Call HTTP endpoints

A UDF called via an HTTP endpoint is invoked as File or Tile, depending on the URL structure.

File endpoint

This endpoint structure runs a UDF as a File. See implementation examples with Felt and Google Sheets for vector.

Tile endpoint

This endpoint structure runs a UDF as a Tile. The {z}/{x}/{y} templated path parameters correspond to the Tile's XYZ index, which Tiled web map clients dynamically populate. See implementation examples for Raster Tiles with Felt and DeckGL, and for Vector Tiles with DeckGL and Mapbox.{z}/{x}/{y}?&dtype_out_vector=csv


A UDF called with runs as Tile when the Tile geometry is specified with reserved parameters in the following ways. Otherwise, it runs as File.

Specify a Tile's bounds with a gpd.GeoDataFrame or shapely.Geometry as the bbox parameter., bbox=bbox)

Specify a Tile by its index in the x, y, and z parameters., x=1, y=2, z=3)