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GitHub Integration

Enterprise This feature is accessible to organizations with a Fused Enterprise subscription.

Teams use the GitHub integration to share UDFs and load util Modules from private GitHub repos. When an organization sets up GitHub integration, team members will see UDFs in the linked repos under the "Team UDFs" tab of the UDF Catalog. Users may "duplicate" the UDFs to make changes.


Configuring Github integration

The Fused GitHub app activates a webhook to listen to changes to the main branch of the target repository. When a change is detected, Fused syncs UDFs into the UDF Catalog.

  1. Create a repo. There's no enforced repo structure because Fused scans the entire repo for UDFs, although the Public UDFs repo may serve as guideline.

  2. Install the Fused GitHub app for your organization. Navigate to this GitHub URL, click "Configure", and select the GitHub organization that contains the repository.

  1. Scope the app to the target repository. It's recommended to select only the specific repo.
  1. Once the above is complete, let the Fused team know the full repo path so they configure it for your organization.

  2. Confirm the integration is enabled by checking that repo UDFs appear under the "Team UDFs" tab in the UDF Catalog.

Enabling GitHub integration

To enable the GitHub integration, click "Preferences" in the bottom left corner, then select "Enable GitHub Integration".


Once it's enabled, the "Push to GitHub" option should appear in the UDF's dropdown menu.
