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Cache decorator

Caching stores the result of slow function calls so they only need to run once. This persists objects across reruns and makes UDFs faster.


To cache a function decorate it with @fused.cache.

def udf():
import pandas as pd

def load_data(i):
return pd.DataFrame({'id': i})

first = load_data(i=1)
second = load_data(i=2)
return pd.concat([first, second])

The first time Fused sees the function code and parameters, Fused runs the function and stores the return value in a cache. The next time the function is called with the same parameters and code, Fused skips running the function and returns the cached value.


This UDF illustrates the use of:

  • Passing bbox to make the output unique to each Tile
  • Setting a custom cache directory with the optional path parameter
  • Reseting the cache by running the function once with reset=True
def udf(bbox: fused.types.TileGDF=None):

@fused.cache(path='optional_cache_dir', reset=True)
def set_name(bbox, name):
bbox['name'] = name
return bbox

return set_name(bbox, "San Francisco")