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Map Overture Buildings and Foursquare Places with Leafmap

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Qiusheng Wu
Associate Professor @ University of Tennessee
Plinio Guzman
Founding Engineer @ Fused

Dr. Qiusheng Wu is an Associate Professor of Geography and Sustainability at the University of Tennessee and a Founding Editorial Board Member at the Cloud-Native Geospatial Forum (CNG). As part of his commitment to making open-source geospatial analysis and visualization more accessible, he has developed several widely used open-source packages, including geemap, leafmap, and segment-geospatial.

In this Notebook Qiusheng shows a few examples of how Cloud Native Geospatial datasets help you easily load data into a Jupyter Notebook environment using leafmap. His practical examples showcase how you can call the Overture Maps UDF and Foursquare Places UDF to load data into a custom area of interest and render it in a leaflet map.