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3 posts tagged with "overture"

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Characterize cities with embeddings of Overture Place categories

ยท 3 min read
Maribel Hernandez
Computational Genomics Researcher @ CINVESTAV

TL;DR Maribel Hernandez shows how to create clusters of business categories using Overture Places data.

Maribel Hernandez is a computer scientist and researcher at CINVESTAV, a multidisciplinary academic institution in Mexico. She specializes in graph theory in the field of computational genomics and complex networks. In this blog post, Maribel shows how she characterizes cities based on the distribution of businesses by rolling-up business categories by H3.

As someone who works with urban networks, Maribel's focus is on exploring how cities function and how their design impacts inclusivity. The core question driving this analysis is: Does the city have an even distribution of business services? Or are there shortages such as food deserts or unequal access to health facilities?

Map Overture Buildings and Foursquare Places with Leafmap

ยท One min read
Qiusheng Wu
Associate Professor @ University of Tennessee
Plinio Guzman
Founding Engineer @ Fused

Dr. Qiusheng Wu is an Associate Professor of Geography and Sustainability at the University of Tennessee and a Founding Editorial Board Member at the Cloud-Native Geospatial Forum (CNG). As part of his commitment to making open-source geospatial analysis and visualization more accessible, he has developed several widely used open-source packages, including geemap, leafmap, and segment-geospatial.

In this Notebook Qiusheng shows a few examples of how Cloud Native Geospatial datasets help you easily load data into a Jupyter Notebook environment using leafmap. His practical examples showcase how you can call the Overture Maps UDF and Foursquare Places UDF to load data into a custom area of interest and render it in a leaflet map.