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Announcing Fused 2.0

Β· 2 min read
Max Lenormand
Developer Advocate @ Fused

Fused 2.0 is our biggest update to date, with changes across Workbench & fused-py!

A New UDF Editor in Workbench​

New Fused Workbench

Introducing Collections: A simple way to organize your UDFs​

Collections now allows you to organize your UDFs together as you work on different projects, save them together and keep your editor focused on the project at hand.


Collection is still in early access so you need to enable it under "Preferences -> Enable UDF Collections [Beta]" to access it

Redesigned UDF Editor​

UDF Editor now comes with a host of new features & redesigned UI:

  • Adding a new Full Screen Map View
  • The Visualize Tab is now under the UDF expanded parameters, allowing you to hide your Code Editor and just focus on tweaking the visualization of your data
  • Split screen "Editor" & "Module" on top of each other: Keeping your code clean in the main "Editor" Tab is now easier by moving functions under the "Module" tab.

A New Share Page​

We've moved all the tools & information you need to easily share your UDFs into a dedicated page (and button). You can easily:

  • Create a token to share your UDFs
  • Edit the Description, Tags & Image preview of your UDFs

Changes to fused-py​

Our Python library fused-py is getting some updates to make processing data in Python simpler, from a small one time task to processing huge datasets

Simplifying how Fused handles geometries​

fused.submit() for simple, multi job runs​

We're introducing fused.submit() as a simple way to run many UDFs all at once in parallel

fused.submit() demo

This can significantly speed up parallel tasks like:

  • Fetching lots of individual data points from an API
  • Scaling small processing steps to lots of data points

Improved caching​

Under the hood we've significantly improved how Fused caches results of recurring UDFs & cached functions + we've introduced new tools for developers to control caching:

Read more about Caching

Full Fused 2.0 Changelog​

Read our Changelog to see every change happening with Fused 2.0