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2 posts tagged with "foursquare"

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Map Overture Buildings and Foursquare Places with Leafmap

ยท One min read
Qiusheng Wu
Associate Professor @ University of Tennessee
Plinio Guzman
Founding Engineer @ Fused

Dr. Qiusheng Wu is an Associate Professor of Geography and Sustainability at the University of Tennessee and a Founding Editorial Board Member at the Cloud-Native Geospatial Forum (CNG). As part of his commitment to making open-source geospatial analysis and visualization more accessible, he has developed several widely used open-source packages, including geemap, leafmap, and segment-geospatial.

In this Notebook Qiusheng shows a few examples of how Cloud Native Geospatial datasets help you easily load data into a Jupyter Notebook environment using leafmap. His practical examples showcase how you can call the Overture Maps UDF and Foursquare Places UDF to load data into a custom area of interest and render it in a leaflet map.

The Fastest Way to Download Foursquare's new POI Dataset

ยท One min read
Max Lenormand
Developer Advocate @ Fused
Sina Kashuk
CEO @ Fused

Foursquare just released an open dataset of over 100M global places of interest.

We at Fused have partitioned these points into easily accessible GeoParquet files, and hosted them on Source Cooperative

On top of that, we've build a publicly available User Defined Function (UDF) that anyone can use to easily look at & download to GeoJSON, all from the browser

Try it out for yourself!

You don't need to login or create an account to easily access the Foursquare POI points