How DigitalTwinSim Models Wireless Networks with DuckDB, Ibis, and Fused
Β· 3 min read
TL;DR DigitalTwinSim uses Fused with Ibis and DuckDB to model high-resolution wireless networks.
Sameer, co-founder of DigitalTwinSim, leads the development of advanced geospatial analysis tools to support the telecom industry in strategic network planning. DigitalTwinSim specializes in using high-resolution data to optimize the placement of network towers ensuring reliable, high-speed connectivity.
In this blog post, Sameer shares how he leverages Ibis with a DuckDB backend, and Fused to model wireless networks at high resolution. This approach enables him to quickly generate network coverage models for his clients. He explains and shares a Fused UDF that processes data in an H3 grid to evaluate optimal locations for network towers.